
I am not crazy, I'm creatively insane.

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My soul became a bewitching, beautiful shade of dark. 

For in such wisdom, is much grief. ~

Mother earth.

Mother earth, please,


Heal what's sick in me

Enlighten what's dark in me,

Mend what's broken in me,


And lastly, please,

Revive all the peace and love that has died within me. 

I only ask one thing from you.



Who am I?
What is freedom, my own personal freedom?

Am I just the conglomeration of all my past experiences and the feelings & beliefs that were created from that, or am I more? I'll leave these thoughts for you. 

What you love, let it free.
If it comes back, it will be because of its own free will.

You are my twin flame, you've been my best friend for years. 

So, the only thing I ask for is for you to honor yourself.
Honor the past and all the wisdom it brought, honor the strength your scars brought, honor your breathtaking smile and laughter when it comes from your heart. Your soul has a bewitching shade, honor it with the respect it deserves. 

I only ask you to not chain yourself because of your past.

Be free, chase your passions.

Use those angel wings you've always had to start flying through the world. Read More »

Life's woe is life's blessing.



As time went on, my reasons to live changed.
As the years went by and the experiences accumulated themselves under the disguise of my inner feelings, scars and beliefs, it all influenced the way I looked at the world.

Now, I finally look at the world with hope.

But not a baseless hope, it's a form of hope planted on the firm belief of self-confidence and vision, honoring myself, the person I became and a clear sight of the path I walk towards. 

My perspective and reason to live is to edify myself, to galvanize others, to show that even though life is uncontrollable at times, we always have the possibility to create something breathtaking out of it.

The almagation of experiences that life offered me helped me create a better version of myself.
And if look back, now, I realise how blessed Read More »

My lifelong friend, the art of writing.


And in the end, all I learned was how to be strong alone.

You created your own limits, learn how to break them too.

Life is a marvelous thing, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, my friend.
Poetry and writing has accompanied me through my whole life.

I definitely wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't thanks to you, darkness would have most likely consumed me.

When you stare long enough at the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.

This is why, now I write to you.
You were always my muse, my heaven on earth, or better said, my heaven in hell. 

You taught me there's beauty even in the darkest shade. 

You taught me how to use all the fear and despair, you showed me that even when I was broken, you created, transmuted and transformed all the madness, the blood and despair into wisdom, experience, you transformed everything into a text. Read More »

Set your heart afire.


Human strength lies in the ability to change yourself.

You can only win when your mind is stronger than your emotions.

Nothing lasts forever, not even failures.
However, your failure will last forever if you leave it as such.
After all, history has never been written by the faint of heart.

Only those who have known darkness can truly appreciate the light, and the most pure light is fire itself, that's what one transforms into if one is able to rise after being trampled by fate.

Some of us built ourselves from the fires that were meant to destroy us, it's either that or leave yourself be consumed by it.

If you survive it is because the fire within you burned brighter than the one that tried consuming you.

I know my worth, I've paid dearly for every ounce of it.

I'm strong because I've been broken. Read More »

You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?




What is life if not a quagmire?

What would life be without free will?

The human itself is the most complex thing we have yet to understand.

Most part of the times, I decide with my heart, but it has to have the balance of understanding.

When our mind, heart and gut are not balanced & interconnected, our "inner compas" cannot show us the right answers.

We're all a quagmire of energies after all. 

Sometimes, we make choices that don't end well, but we made the choice with good intentions.
It's from these circumstances that we slowly start to gather the experience that will transform into our own wisdom.

Every master was once a disaster after all. 

Other times though, it is surprising how we find the darker motivations. Or better said, it's how these darker motivations find us.  Read More »

Truth is my light.




You need to cultivate a good mindset and approach any challenges or disappointments with the confidence and tenacity necessary to overcome them.

A strong will is required to channel our thoughts in the right direction, especially during challenging times when we might be tempted to give up on life. 

To succeed in life, you must be willing to listen to your intuition and learn from past experiences.

You need to adjust the way that you view the world and the events that occur in it.

It is necessary for us to make use of the power of our intellect if we wish to be successful. No one can do it for you, so you must move smartly and trust in yourself.

Your future needs you, your past doesn't.
So let the past rest where it belongs.

But if we are constantly worried about the future, it will paralyze us and prevent us from enjoying the present moment. Read More »

Vivamus, moriendum est.



Living has never been a straightforward path.
The one thing that marks the difference between humans lies within the mind.
It's a double-edged weapon though since it can either set you free or bring your downfall.

Greatness has never been an easy thing to achieve.
It wouldn't be as much worth to reach if it was that easy to achieve though.

Long lasting things are the most challenging ones to obtain.
Like peace of mind, friendship, love, a great mindset, self-love no matter the circumstances, the will to keep on living no matter what life slams into your life.

And that's also the very reason why it's something worthy to achieve, because it's something that can accompany us through life.

Not everyone who wanders through life is lost.
There are almost always second chances.

If you think about it, every single day is a new chance. Read More »

My body is the canvas.






The beauty of humanity lies in the diversity.
Every single person is a world on its own, waiting to be discovered and explored.
There are no limits since the actual limit is the mind and the heart.

Living, is what you make of your life.
In its essence, living is art in its most pure state since our body and mind is the canvas and the ink.
Living is an art where we can create a masterpiece with all the scraps and rests of the pieces that were left of ourselves after facing countless challenges that made from us, the ones we are today.

It's a matter of mindset, of inner strength.

Living made us realise that there lies profound wisdom and wealth within ourselves, knowledge that couldn't have been born if we wouldn't have gone through these dark times.

At the end of the day, the choice lies on our hands. Read More »

I'm the entire ocean in a single drop.


Living, is what you make of your life, so think carefully about that. 

Our inner self, essentially, is limitless. 

But the way we learned to live, more precisely, the way the "systems" made us learn and live, created chains that limits our self confidence, therefore it limits our sense of possibility, limiting our sense of what's possible to achieve. 

Listen to your heart, sharpen your mind. 

Because they're all you need to change your own world. 


You don't need to change the world to have a place in it; just change yourself! The world and your surroundings will automatically change as a result of your own inner shift. 

Whatever exists within us, is what we will attract through the world.


Be careful of what you think and believe because every single thought and belief has the power to influence your life and surroundings.  Read More »

Cosas que nunca te dije.


Allá vamos otra vez..
Y ahí estaba, tumbado en la cama, pensando en aquellas cosas que nunca te dije.

Por aquel entonces tú eras mi flor, mi diosa y mi libertad. Mi sangre, mi alma y mi felicidad.
Siempre supe que esto no duraría más de lo que un sueño vive.

La luna asomaba por la ventana iluminando mi rostro, más bien las lágrimas que caían cual lluvia por el cielo..
Al poco rato el cielo empezó a llorar, como si tuviera una mortal herida en la que se desangraba poco a poco.

A pesar de que me lo esperaba, me rompía lo poco que me quedaba de corazón el nunca decirte lo mucho que te quería, lo mucho que me importabas aunque poco iba a resolver lo que estaba predestinado a pasar.

Tú seguramente ya sabías que la vida nos consumiría y tú te irías.
Ahora ya sólo me quedan estos frágiles fragmentos en mi memoria que amenazan con desvanecerse de un momento a otro eliminando tu existencia de mi mundo; privándome de ella, maldiciendo mi existencia. Read More »

Honorer la vie.



You never know when it's the last time you'll ever see a place. 

Or a person.

Be authentic, honest, say the things you never said but always wanted to. 

Show your sincere appreciation to your loved one.

Be kind and don't take time for granted. 

Most people don't realise the worth of what they have until it disappears like ashes scattered through the oceans.

People really don't have the slightest clue of what it feels like wanting to extend your hand to reach out but realising that it's already too late, that in your hesitation, time has already kept going on and that the person that you wanted to reach out to is now but ashes that the winds has given wings to and freely travels through the underworld. 


"I'd ask you about love, you'd probably quote me sonnet.

But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes, feeling like god put an angel on earth just for you. Who could rescue you from the depths of hell.  Read More »




"Healers are spiritual warriors who have found the courage to defeat the darkness of their souls.
Awakening and rising from the depths of their deepest fears, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Reborn with a wisdom and strength that creates a light that shines bright enough to help, encourage, and inspire others out of their own darkness."

River of times.



Life is simple and complicated at the same time, sometimes it plays disgusting jokes on us while other times it brings forth in us the brightest smiles that we never believed to be ours.

Life is a box full of surprises and it could be said that life is the personification of irony since it requires someone to despise you for you to understand what love is, it requires having tasted the pain and the tragic loss of someone to truly understand the worth of the people who walk beside you.
It requires understanding that life ain't made only of roses and laughter, that from one second to another everything that made your world whole is now but a scar disguised in your memories.

It requires a little bit of magic, it's so little that it's almost invisible but still priceless. Because it's these small steps and decisions that change our course to the most breathtaking paths that we will walk through eternally. Read More »

Breath-taking life.

Our life is nothing else than the result of the thoughts and feelings that we've accepted as true about our experiences.
It's not the experiences that define our lives but our own thoughts about them.

At the end of the day, everything's relative.

Relative to our own thoughts and feelings, to the understanding we reach about our own experiences, to the eyes which we use to look at the world and the heart which we use to understand it, to the truth which we accept as our own, which we allow to form part of our reality and to the dreams that we will never abandon because even though they're the root of our suffering, they're also the seed of hope that will never flourish if we don't keep going on.

We gotta water those seeds with our whole being, with our brightest smiles and our heaviest tears, with our scars, with these instants in life that turned out to be eternity disguised, with all the cursed memories that invade our dreams at night, with all the love we've experienced and all the despair we've survived through. Read More »